当下,无数年轻女星将嫁入豪门视为目标。 但是,却有一些资深女星年过四十,依然成功冲刺豪门! 瑞士贝赛为你细数那些年纪大了还能嫁入豪门的传奇天后们! Nowadays, many young ladies aim to marry wealthy man. And some senior ladies whom over forty years old achieved their goals! Let us recount some ladies’legend that married wealthy during their senior years. 女星嫁入豪门 超模杰莉·霍尔,59岁嫁世界传媒大亨默多克 Super model Jerry hall, married bigwig of world media, Murdoch, at her 59 years old 超模杰莉·霍尔,59岁嫁世界传媒大亨默多克 1月12日,英国《泰晤士报》的一条新闻轰动了世界!个人财产超110亿美元的世界传媒大亨默多克宣布订婚! 12th, January, British “The Times” reported a piece of news which reverberated the world! Murdoch, a world class media bigwig, the one who has personal property more than 11 billion dollars, publish his engagement. 打动大富豪的不是年轻女星,竟是已经59岁的前超模杰莉·霍尔。她拥有年轻的外貌及让人赞叹的好身材,完全看不出已年近60!赢了! The one who impress the bigwig is not other young ladies but a 59 years old former super model Jerry Hall. She has young appearance and nice figure which does not like 60 years old at all! 刘晓庆年近60岁,嫁给身家百亿家具大亨 Xiaoqing Liu is almost 60 years old and she married a Furniture bigwig who has ten billion properties 刘晓庆年近60岁,嫁给身家百亿家具大亨 2013年,58岁的刘晓庆与富商王晓玉举行了隆重的婚礼。王晓玉乃将门之后,是身家百亿的家具大亨,他表示刘晓庆是最美丽的女人,整整追求了她三十年。 2013, 58 years old Xiaoqing Liu had a luxurious wedding with bigwig Xiaoyu Wang. Mr. Wang is a descendant of General who has more than ten billion properties, he said Xiaoqing Liu is the most beautiful woman in the world, and he pursued her for thirty years. 网友纷纷留言,“还是这么年轻,向你学习”、“我小的时候您20多岁了。现在我40多了,您还是20多岁。您成功了。” Amount of comments say that Miss Liu is still young and gorgeous, she achieved the goal many ladies aimed to. She made it! 朱玲玲20岁青春嫁豪门,50岁优雅再嫁豪门 Linlin Zhu married wealthy man at her 20s, and married another bigwig at her 50s 朱玲玲20岁青春嫁豪门,50岁优雅再嫁豪门 郭晶晶的婆婆朱玲玲18岁嫁给香港富豪霍震霆,然而,2004年两人离婚。中年放弃豪门婚姻,大众纷纷为她担心。 Linlin Zhu , the mother-in-law for Jingjing Guo, married a HongKong bigwig Zhenting Huo at her 18 years old.But they divorced at 2004. Many people worried about her for given up the marriage at middle age. 但4年后,50岁美丽优雅的朱玲玲再度风光嫁入豪门,她的现任老公罗瑞康身家200亿元,令人羡慕得目瞪口呆! But 4 years later, Zhu married another bigwig at her beautiful and gorgeous 50 years old, her present husband Ruikang Ruo whom has personal property over 20 billion. Her marriage astonished every one! 瑞士贝赛抗衰老 40岁、50岁、60岁的时候, 你是什么样子? 你还有信心俘获男神的心吗? 你还能像这些传奇天后 一样保持精致迷人吗? 爱情,与年龄无关! 美丽,才是女人永恒的话题! What is your appearance at your 40s, 50s and 60s? Are you confident enough to impress your prince? Can you achieve your goal like these legend ladies? And keep your gorgeous and attractive. Love has nothing related to age. But, beauty is always a hot topic for women! 瑞士贝赛抗衰老案例张女士 张欣悦女士,45岁成为美丽新娘! Ms Zhang Xingyue became a beautiful bride at her 45 years old! 美国斯坦福大学才俊不远千里回国追求,在这位昔日学长看来,学妹和从前求学时一样动人,除了褪去青涩似乎一切未变,依然那么青春、美丽、自信...... A senior from Stanford University in former day who pursued her from thousand miles away. For him, lady Zhang is the apple of his eye, although years passed, she still attractive and gorgeous. 张欣悦女士正是得益于瑞士贝赛女神定制,欧洲名医的立体多维度打造,让她重获精致的容貌,纤细的身段,青春的魅力,更让她的人生成为美丽传奇! Ms Zhang benefit from the Swiss BⅢcells Beauty Customization, European authoritieshelp her to regain the young appearance and perfect shape which help her became a beautiful legend! 瑞士贝赛抗衰老案例张女士 张欣悦女士| 婚纱照| 45岁 Ms Zhang Xinyue | Wedding Photo | 45 years old 瑞士贝赛女神定制 Swiss BⅢcells beauty customization 瑞士贝赛荷尔蒙定制:保鲜青春和健康,重现年轻活力; Swiss BⅢcells hormone customization: To keep your young and health, to reactive the young energy; 铂金超声活细胞疗程:提升皮肤自体产生胶原蛋白能力,全方位恢复皮肤年轻机能; Platinum ultrasound active cell treatment: elevate the collagen producing function of skin, to regain the young function for skin in overall;   欧洲医生地中海食疗营养方案:造就优质生命体,维持真正持久美丽效果。 European Doctor customized the Mediterranean nutrition diet: to build up a healthy body and keep a long term lasting beauty. 欧洲名流健康秘密,瑞士贝赛完美女人定制