电影三打白骨精巩俐 1月20日,魔幻大片《西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精》全球首映, 女主演巩俐被评为——巩俐一出,世间再无妖精! January 20, 2016, A Journey to the West- Three Times’ Beating Monster had its world premiere, Gong Li the leading lady was named as the fairy of all time! 巩俐 女人,就要形象美一点、身材好一点, 皮肤嫩一点、年轻多一点, 这些美好都会增值,这才是最值得女人付出的投资! Being a woman, you’ve got to If you invest your beauty and fitness, your tender skin and young appearance. These investments will maintain high value  regardless the external risk factor. 站在美丽的巅峰,紧握生命的光环! Stay on the top of beauty  and hold every chance in life!  瑞士贝赛抗衰老 越活越美,越活越有价值的,除了巩俐,还有她们! 刘晓庆说:我已经60了,但我依然坚信,投资自己比投资 任何东西都强! 即使60岁,我也不比范冰冰逊色多少! Xiaoqing LIU said:I am 60 years old now, but I still believe in investing for oneself is better than any other investment! Though I am 60, I am not much inferior to Bingbing FAN! 范冰冰刘晓庆 王菲坚持美丽,46岁仍是魅力四射的天后!2015年与小 11岁的谢霆锋世纪大复合! Fei WANG keeps her beauty well thus she still a glamorous queen though she’s 46 years old. She reunited with Tingfeng XIA who is 11 years younger than her. 谢霆锋王菲 女神苏菲·玛索有着法国女人“优雅到老”的爱美态度,50岁 依然霸占着法国男人的心,是法国男人“永远的挚爱”! The Beautiful Lady Sophie Marceau has the attitude “keep your beauty until death” which made her captured French men’s heart. 苏菲·玛索 瑞士贝赛抗衰老案例林晓梅女士 企业家林晓梅女士,深谙投资自己之道! 她聪明地选择了瑞士贝赛女神定制, 通过欧洲名医的立体多维度打造, 她变得美丽优雅,光彩照人,活力无限! 她的朋友们都赞叹:晓梅的魅力形象价值百万!” Entrepreneur Ms LIN Xiaomei, believe in self-investment! She chosen Swiss BⅢcells Beauty Customization, which made her beautiful and gorgeous, attractive and energetic! All her friends said:“The image of Xiaomei valued million!” 瑞士贝赛抗衰老案例林晓梅女士 瑞士贝赛女神定制 Swiss BⅢcells beauty customization 瑞士荷尔蒙抗衰定制疗法:保鲜青春和健康,重现年轻活力; Swiss BⅢcells hormone customization: To keep your young and health, to reactive the young energy; 铂金超声活细胞疗程:提升皮肤自体产生胶原蛋白能力,全方 位恢复皮肤年轻机能; Platinum ultrasound active cell treatment: elevate the collagen producing function of skin, to regain the young function for skin in overall; 欧洲医生地中海食疗营养方案:造就优质生命体,维持真正持 久美丽效果。 European Doctor customized the Mediterranean nutrition diet: to build up a healthy body and keep a long term lasting beauty. 欧洲名流健康秘密,瑞士贝赛完美女人定制